As an industry oriented training service provider we understand that right people on the right job is a challenge in networking industry. Therefore, we help organisations in their recruitment process by providing knowledgeable, skilled, certified and experienced human capital.

We provide L1, L2 and L3 engineers, be it short term or long term or even permanent or temporary basis. We also provide training considering the knowledge and skill sets that are required for the defined role as per your organisation.

Thus, it saves valuable time of organisations by training shortlisted candidates before joining the job. This also benefits candidates. Training gives clear picture about the process and frame of work for the defined role even before joining. Hence, the candidate feels comfortable with the expectations and the responsibilities involved in his/her role from first day itself.

Thus, we ensure our contribution in the industry at both the sides. For organisations, we provide skilled set of human resources and for candidates we help them to shape their career path their career in networking.